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For Immediate Release

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Santa Rosa,CA | January 15, 2019

January is designated as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  The annual event has been recognized since January 2010 in an effort to bring attention to the epidemic of human trafficking in this country.

District Attorney Jill Ravitch noted that, “My office is committed to not only prosecuting traffickers, but to raising awareness in the community of what trafficking looks like and how to report it.  We will also continue to work alongside our many partners on the Sonoma County Human Trafficking Task Force to identify and provide support to survivors of sex and labor trafficking.” 

Chief Deputy District Attorney Brian Staebell chairs the Task Force which includes representatives from Verity, Santa Rosa Police Department, Polly Klass Foundation, Crossing the Jordan, Sonoma County Human Services Department, Human Rights Commission, Soroptomist International of Sonoma County, Petaluma Police Department, Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety, Sonoma County Health Services, Sonoma County Probation, Social Advocates for Youth, Sheriff’s Office, Junior League of Napa-Sonoma, Commission on the Status of Women, and Homeland Security

In 2018 the Task Force screened the films The Long Night (2014) by director Tim Matsui and I Am Jane Doe (2017) by filmmaker Mary Mazzio.

During the upcoming months the District Attorney’s Office, along with the Task Force will be presenting the following events:

January 23, 2019

Film Screening.  Stopping Traffic (2017)

Directed by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree.  Followed by panel discussion.

Finley Center, 2060 W. College Avenue Santa Rosa, CA, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM.

January 31, 2018

Film Screening.  Stopping Traffic (2017)

Directed by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree.  Followed by panel discussion.

The Raven Film Center, 415 Center Street, Healdsburg, CA, 6:30 PM  - 8:30PM.

Billboard Campaign

Billboards which are funded by members of the Task Force will be visible throughout the county. 

The same posters will also be placed on buses operated by CityBus of Santa Rosa, and those operated by Sonoma County Transit.
