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For Immediate Release

Raley’s Settles Civil Consumer Protection Action

Santa Rosa,CA | March 18, 2019

District Attorney Jill Ravitch announced today that Raley’s, the owner and operator of Raley’s Supermarkets, agreed to a Stipulated Judgment, resolving a consumer protection action filed by her office in conjunction with the District Attorneys of Sacramento, Santa Clara and Shasta Counties. The lawsuit alleged that Raley’s illegally sold over-the-counter medications and baby food/formula to customers beyond the manufacturers’ sell by or expiration dates.  The judgment was approved and ordered by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Christopher E. Krueger.

The case stemmed from an investigation conducted by the Consumer Protection Units of the four District Attorney’s Offices after expired products were found on store shelves. Pursuant to the terms of the judgment, Raley’s agreed to the imposition of an injunction requiring that they remove any of the covered products one week prior to the expiration date, and Raley’s was ordered to pay a total of $350,000 in civil penalties, costs, and restitution.

Raley’s was cooperative and responsive when notified of the investigation. Raley’s has now implemented a robust stock checking program to identify and remove any products on store shelves nearing their expiration dates as a result of this action.

District Attorney Jill Ravitch stated, “Our office will continue to work closely with other agencies throughout the state to protect the consumers of Sonoma County.”

Deputy District Attorney Matt Cheever handled the matter on behalf of the Environmental and Consumer Protection Division (ECLD) of the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office. Consumers may report false advertising or unfair business practices to ECLD by calling (707) 565-5317.

