Press Release Index
Gang Member Sentenced to 15 Years for Shooting, Personal Use of a Firearm, and Causing Great Bodily Injury
DefendantMarcos Dionicio Vazquez, 22 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today by theHonorable Dana Simonds to 15 years in state prison Read full story
Man Sentenced to Maximum Sentence of Three Years and EightMonths Prison For Sixth DUI Conviction
David RaymondSomers, 59 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced on May 8, 2018 to 3 years and8 months in state prison, the maximum allowed by law, for a felony charge ofDriving Under the Influence. Somers now has 6 prior convictions for DrivingUnder the Influence, 2 of which were also felony offenses. Read full story
DA Settles Consumer Protection Suit Against Santa Rosa Medical Cannabis Dispensary For Lack of Prop 65 Warnings
DistrictAttorney Jill Ravitch announced today that her office has settled a consumerprotection suit brought under California’s Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act of 1986 (also known as “Proposition 65”) against Sonoma PatientGroup, Inc. Read full story
Dropbox Settles Consumer Protection Prosecution for Automatic Renewal Law Violations
DistrictAttorney Jill Ravitch announced today that her office, along with the DistrictAttorneys of Alameda, San Diego and San Francisco Counties, have settled aconsumer protection action against Dropbox, Inc., a company that providesfile-sharing and other services over the internet. The civil action was filed in Alameda CountySuperior Court. Read full story
Defendant Convicted of Multiple Counts of Elder Theft
DefendantTheodore Hudson, 53 years old of Cloverdale, was found guilty by a jury Fridayafternoon after an almost two month long trial of 9 felony counts of theft froman elder. The jury also found true sentencing enhancements that alleged eachtheft offense resulted in over $500 thousand in loss. Read full story
Woman Sentenced to Six Years Prison for Dui and Child Endangerment Violation of Probation
26-year-old Lety Meza, of Windsor, was sentenced on April 27, 2018 to 6 years in state prison by the Honorable Dana Simonds for felony charges of Child Endangerment and misdemeanor charges of Driving Under the Influence. Read full story
Man Who Committed Multiple Rapes and Manslaughter Denied Parole
Fifty-two-year-old California prison inmate Josafat Panduro Presencion was denied parole by the state board of parole yesterday following a hearing at the California Institute for Men in Chino, CA. Read full story
Woman Sentenced for Multiple Counts of Attempted Murder and Causing Great Bodily Injury
Defendant Jessica Garcia-Leos, 32 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today to state prison for a term of thirty years and eight months in state prison by the Honorable Philip Pennypacker after having pled guilty in April of this year to two counts of attempted murder, and enhancements for committing great bodily injury. Read full story
Defendant Sentenced to 150 Years to Life tor Multiple Counts of Child Molestation
District Attorney Jill Ravitch has announced that defendant Paul Dwayne Kilgore, 70, of Sonoma, was sentenced to 150 years to life by the Honorable Judge Robert Laforge. Read full story
Defendants from Petaluma Home Invasion Robbery in Federal Custody
Eight defendants involved in the Petaluma home invasion robbery that occurred onMarch 12, 2018, were removed to federal custody. All eight defendants wereindicted on April 26, 2018 by the U.S. Attorney's Office on charges related tothe robbery. They are expected to appear in Federal Court this afternoon. Read full story