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Victim Services

Victim Services

The Sonoma County Victim Services Division is one of the special programs designed to reduce the trauma and insensitive treatment victims and witnesses may experience following a crime. We are committed to helping crime victims and their families reorganize and reclaim their lives. Our staff seeks to make the criminal justice system more understandable, accessible, and responsive to the concerns of victims and their families. We provide assistance from the moment the crime occurs through the length of the criminal case.


Victims’ Rights

In California the victims of crime have state constitutional standing and rights. California is one of the leading states in the country guaranteeing that the victims of crime will be heard. It is important for each of you to know your rights.

Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008 - Marsy’s Law

On November 4, 2008, the People of the State of California approved Proposition 9, the Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008: Marsy’s Law.

Services Available

Victim Services offers comprehensive services to victims and witnesses of all types of crimes. Assistance is provided from the moment the crime occurs for as long as assistance is needed; there is no cutoff for assistance by the program.

Comfort Dogs

Crime victimization and subsequent criminal justice system involvement can be a stressful experience for individuals and children. Therefore, the DA's office employed a pair of specially trained facility comfort dogs fpor use in assisting victims of crime during interviews, office visits, and testifying in court.  The utilization of a comfort dog is a trauma informed approach that offers crime victims emotional comfort, and for some people, a sense of normalcy during a difficult period of time.

California Victim Compensation

The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) is a three-member Board dedicated to assisting victims of violent crimes. Board members include the Secretary of the Government Operations Agency who serves as the Board’s chair, the State Controller and a public member appointed by the Governor.

Volunteer Opportunities

The County offers programs and services to provide support to victims of crime and abuse. Opportunities may sometimes exist to volunteer with the Victim Services unit of the District Attorney’s Office and the Family Justice Center of Sonoma County.


In California, victims of crime have a constitutional right to restitution. Restitution involves restoring economic losses incurred by crime victims or returning what was taken away from them as a result of a crime.

Victims Additional Services

Crime Victims Additional Services


If you have been the victim of a crime or witnessed a crime, the Sonoma County Victim Services Division can help you. The Victim Services program was created by the passage of Section 13835 et seq. of the California State Penal Code, which mandates local comprehensive centers for victim and witness assistance throughout California.

Our Victim Advocates work to ensure that crime victims and their family members are provided the services and information necessary to be an integral part of the criminal case process. It’s our mission to ensure that you are treated fairly and that your voice is heard.

The Advocates can provide the following services:

  1. Information on your rights as a crime victim
  2. Guidance in dealing with the court system
  3. Assistance in filling out applications for the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) to reimburse you for out-of-pocket expenses related to your victimization
  4. Ongoing support while you learn to cope
  5. Spanish speaking advocates are available

Victim Services Division works with CalVCB to provide claim assistance.