Consumer Alerts
Price Gouging Protections Extended By Governor To April 18, 2018
The Governor issued an Executive Order whichextends the protections against price gouging under Penal Code Section 396 asdiscussed below through April 18, 2018. Read full story
Fraudulent FEMA Inspections and False FEMA Claims
Sonoma County and Napa have receivedcomplaints of persons identifying themselves as “FEMA inspectors” coming toresident’s homes and asking for personal information. Reports have also beenreceived that false FEMA claims have been filed using resident’s personalinformation such as social security numbers and when the resident attempts tofile for aid they are advised an application has already been filed under theirname. Read full story
Wildfire Disaster - Price Gouging and Disaster Scams
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our community members who have been impacted by the wildfires. Unfortunately, this is a time when scam artists and unscrupulous people may try to take advantage of victims and the generosity of the community. Read full story