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For Immediate Release

District Attorney’s Office Participates in Unlicensed Contractor Sting

SANTA ROSA, CA | June 22, 2023

The Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office, in coordination with the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB), conducted an undercover sting operation targeting unlicensed contractors in Sonoma County on June 13 and 14, 2023. The alleged unlicensed contractors were invited to submit bids for various construction projects at a designated property. The sting operation resulted in eight individuals being given a notice to appear in criminal court. All may now face potential jail time and substantial fines.

District Attorney Rodriguez stated, “California’s contractor licensing laws exist to protect all of us from unethical business practices, poor work, fly-by-night operations, and fraud.  Bottom line, those who engage in contracting work must have a valid license. My office will continue to work with CSLB to identify and prosecute those who are violating the law and taking advantage of our county’s residents.”

California law prohibits people without a valid license from bidding and/or contracting for construction work that exceeds $500 in value, including labor and materials. The involved individuals each submitted bids that exceeded the legal limit of $500. The bid amounts ranged from $1,000 to $12,000.

The Sonoma County District Attorney appreciates the support of CSLB in enforcing these laws and ensuring the safety of consumers from unlicensed contracting activities. For further information or to report suspected unlicensed contractor activities, please visit the CSLB website at or contact CSLB toll-free at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752).

Additionally, consumers may report unfair business practices or false advertising to the District Attorney’s Environmental and Consumer Law Division by calling (707) 565-5317 or emailing


Contact Information

Media Spokesperson, Assistant District Attorney Brian Staebell
Media Coordinator, Carrie Trevena
(707) 565-3098